After learning a bit of Love and Logic® techniques, dad decided to "experiment". The next time his son asked to be driven to his basketball practice dad decided to "set a loving limit". He said, "I'm happy to drive kids to practice when they've taken out the trash and cleaned the litter box." His son complained that he was going to be late. Dad practiced a little empathy, "I knowwwwww....Let me know when the chores are done and we'll leave right away."
For the first time dad didn't get mad or yell as he got into the car because he didn't get in the car, he sat down and read the paper! His son finally got the hint that his dad really meant it this time and... he took the 10 minutes to do those two jobs.
Dad was on top of the world as they drove off to practice! And.... he'd gotten to read the paper.
Parents need to remember that we DO have some leverage and setting a limits for what WE will do helps gently guide our children to do what THEY need to do.