Who can possibly be calm when you've...
- just asked your child to pick up their toys for the 10th time?
- seen the homework that was due yesterday in their backpack?
- catch them on YouTube when they're supposed to be using their computer for "homework"?
- they've lost their jacket for the umpteenth time?
- they've stayed out too late with their friends and didn't call you or text you?
- Not obeying the first time:
- Wow, this is sooooo sad, it looks like Mommy will be picking up toys. No problem, Mommy keeps the toys that she picks up. I love you so much.
- Then you pick up the toys WITHOUT nagging and complaining and just put them away.
- Your child could moan, complain and have a tantrum but you keep CALM, go BRAINDEAD and use EMPATHY to let them know that it sure is a bummer. "I know..." is a classic line to use at this point.
- Missing homework:
- Wow, this is soooo sad, it looks like this is your homework due yesterday. What a bummer. What do you think you're going to do about that?
- Then you use the PROBLEM SOLVING technique to ask them if they'd like some suggestions. Feel free to give them more EMPATHY if they decide to either solve or NOT solve their issue. Give them love and let them know you are sure they can handle it and you are here if they'd like some help.
- Electronics mis-use:
- Hmmm... I can see that you're being challenged with using your electronics. This is soooo sad. I'm going to have to do something about that. I love you. I'm sure we'll be able to think of a solution.
- Then you're best to have a FAMILY MEETING to see if you can brainstorm some ideas about how to as a family solve electronics problems. This won't be easy in some families but if you never try then things will typically only get worse. If you can lovingly set up an electronics contract that allows the kids some control over their time while allowing everyone to know the consequences then you won't be the bad guy, the contract will especially if the kids decide what the punishment is!