It's really helpful to go through our tool chest of parenting skills so that we can keep the battle under control so... let's see what we have:
BRAIN DEAD - This is key! DON'T REACT! When your kid is whining, nagging or resisting, don't give in to letting what might be boiling inside of you come out. Your child benefits from you being out of control so... don't! Take a breath and/or get yourself out of the vicinity of your child if you have to but... keep a lid on your emotions.
CHOICES - Kids want control and they often have very little of it. When you are able, give them as many choices as possible. Remember, you only give choices you like though and not too many.
Would you like to go to baseball practice with your uniform on or change at the field?
Would you like water with ice or without ice?
Would you like to hop to the car or skip?
Would you like me to help with your spelling words or would you like to do it yourself?
Would you like chicken or burgers for dinner tonight?
SETTING LIMITS - When we are inconsistent in how we parent our kids pick up on it right away and use it against us. Have you been setting a limit and then not following through? I was in the store today in line behind a mom with a 4 year old. The mom kept telling her daughter to stop going into the bins yet the mom never followed up. Her daughter had free reign to do just about anything. Boy, was that annoying to watch! You'd be proud of me, I didn't say a thing.